19-01-2010,morning:The half cut mitsubishi lancer engine finally arrive.Waiting almost a week,finally we can start our final year project,that is convert the mitsubishi engine,fender,head lamp,bumper and others to our training car original Proton wira 1500.cc carburettor type.It is a good experiance for me because it is the first time ever for me to do such a huge project.For me,this is the time for me to absorb and gain more experiance and knowledge bout modification on a car,beside that this is a good chance to communicate and co-operate with my team member.Let us sucess the project through team work.GAMBATEH!!!!
Half cut Mitsubishi lancer 4G93 GSRHalf cut Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 3(my team engine)
Half cut Mitsubishi lancer 4G93 GSRHalf cut Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 3(my team engine)
Sabah zai....
After one and half hour,a normal Proton Wira is left a chassis only,just only front part
Ming sun(white cap) and Ah Di is pour out all the engine oil and transmission of the old engine before the engine being put into the workshop diagnostic room
After one and half hour,a normal Proton Wira is left a chassis only,just only front part
Ming sun(white cap) and Ah Di is pour out all the engine oil and transmission of the old engine before the engine being put into the workshop diagnostic room
Good job Thien impressive while reding ur blog nice express...